Selective coronary angiography following cardiac arrest

In the current issue of

Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications

volume 4, issue 2, pp. 85-98 ; DOI










, Jayasheel O. Eshcol and Adnan K. Chhatriwalla from Saint Luke’s Hospital Mid America Heart Institute, and University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Medicine, Kansas City, MO, USA consider selective coronary angiography following cardiac arrest.

Sudden cardiac arrest is a major cause of death predominantly caused by ventricular tachyarrhythmia in patients with coronary artery disease. Despite advancements in resuscitation care, the rate of survival after cardiac arrest remains low. There is a growing body of observational data suggesting early coronary angiography reduces delay to revascularization and may improve outcomes. Most survivors present comatose, and neurologic outcome is uncertain; therefore it is often challenging to identify patients who will benefit from early coronary angiography. Several variables and risk scores that predict a favorable neurologic outcome have been identified. The authors review rationale and current evidence for early angiography and suggest an approach to the selection of patients.


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Morgan Lyons