Older adults need to stay in touch to avoid loneliness during social distancing

HOUSTON – (March 18, 2020) – As COVID-19 continues to spread across the U.S., social distancing is now the byword for prevention. But for older adults who may already be experiencing loneliness, further isolation could be bad for their health.

“Loneliness can lead to depression, suppressing the immune system and compromising health in high-risk patients and especially older adults,” said Carmel B. Dyer, MD, executive director of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) Consortium on Aging.

To help avoid loneliness, Dyer and experts at the consortium have tips on how older adults can feel less isolated during a time when social distancing is the best way to stay safe.

James Booker, PhD, administrative director of the Consortium on Aging, suggested older adults who want to enhance their knowledge of technology visit SeniorNet or U3A Online. Children, grandchildren, or friends can also be contacted for tech support.

Stay informed by following updates on the UTHealth COVID-19 resources pageHarris County Public HealthTexas Department of State Health ServicesCDC, and World Health Organization.

Media inquiries: (713) 500-3030 

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