McLean Hospital Webinar Series: Your Everyday Guide to Stress Management

January 6 @ 12pm EST

Q&A With Dr. Chris Palmer on Getting Stress Under Control

There’s no denying that we all experience stress in our day-to-day lives. While small doses of stress are good for us, it can cause big problems when it gets piled onto us.

Those of us who are feeling overwhelmed by stress: there is hope. And yes, it’s possible to transform from a stressed worrier to a stress warrior. But where do we start? And what are some ways to control stress—and not let it control us?

Join us for a session with Dr. Chris Palmer as he provides tips on stress management, ways to reshape our stress reactions, and answers audience questions about stress.

Sign up now for the next in our series of webinars to support mental health in our community.

As a leader in mental health care, McLean Hospital recognizes the need for reliable and helpful mental health resources. With this in mind, we have dedicated the time of our staff to ensure we are making free resources available for the public and professionals in hopes of promoting healthy individuals and communities.