Heat Treatment Improves Glucose Intolerance, Insulin Resistance and Fatty Liver

Rockville, Md. (January 28, 2021)—New research shows chronic heat treatment (HT) mitigates glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and non-acholic fatty liver disease—also referred to as hepatic steatosis—in rodent models of obesity. There is currently no cure for fatty liver disease, the most common liver disorder impacting the Western world, according to researchers. Scientists studied the direct bioenergetic mechanisms surrounding the metabolic effects of HT on hepatic mitochondria. They found one 20-minute bout of acute HT in male mice triggers a heat shock response resulting in enhanced mitochondrial quality and respiratory function. These data are the first to suggest chronic HT improves hepatic mitochondrial respiratory efficiency and reduces blood glucose, among other findings.

Read the full article, “Heat treatment improves hepatic mitochondrial respiratory efficiency via mitochondrial remodeling,” published ahead of print in Function. Contact the APS Communications Office or call 301.634.7314 to schedule an interview with a member of the research team.