Expert on Gender in Politics Can Discuss Impact of Biden’s VP Pick

With Joe Biden poised to announce his vice presidential nominee, after announcing he was considering four Black woman, the decision will have an immediate impact on the campaign and will certainly lead to discussions of race and gender in American politics. 

Erin Cassese, who spoke about many of these issues dating back to the 2016 campaign and throughout the Democratic primaries, is available to discuss what Biden’s selection means and how it may impact the campaign. 

An associate professor of political science and international relations, Cassese explores the behavior of women as voters and candidates for political office in the United States.

She also studies political psychology, gender stereotypes, public opinion, elections and the intersection of religion and politics.

Cassese was an Expert Contributor at Gender Watch 2018, a non-partisan project of the Center for American Women and Politics that tracked, analyzed and illuminated gender dynamics in the 2018 elections.

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