Eating Healthy is the Key to Keeping Pounds Off

LOS ANGELES (March 2, 2023) — Shedding excess pounds is challenging, but it is only half the weight loss journey. After reaching a goal weight, patients must commit to healthy eating and other lifestyle changes that will keep off the pounds.

“Bariatric surgery and weight loss medications are powerful tools, but they are one piece of the bigger picture. Mindful eating and good nutrition are key ingredients to improved health and wellbeing,” said surgeon Jeremy Korman, MD, medical director of Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey Hospital’s Bariatric Program. “We spend considerable time preparing our patients for a healthy lifestyle. This knowledge makes them more likely to achieve and maintain their weight loss and health potential.”

To help patients embrace healthy habits after surgery, Korman and the team at Marina Weight Management Center—including a dietitian, psychologist, physical therapist, nurses, surgeons, and a bariatrician—created a guide to eating well and keeping weight off. This new cookbook includes dozens of recipes, advice for meal planning and grocery shopping, and a framework for making healthy food choices.

“You want to look at your body as a temple. It’s the only body you will ever have,” said Bridgette Agee, RN, director of the Bariatric Program. “Maintaining significant weight loss and eating healthy can lead to so many health benefits: controlling diabetes, improved joint and heart health and increased energy levels.”

To mark World Obesity Day on March 4, Korman and Agee are sharing tips and recipes from the “Eating Well” guide to inspire others, no matter where they are on their weight loss journey. 

Planning for Long-term Health

Preparing healthy food might feel challenging at first, but it gets easier once it becomes a habit. All foods can be part of a healthy lifestyle as long as we avoid eating too much of the less nutritious options. For those having a hard time finding the right balance, Korman and Agee offer a few suggestions to getting back on track:

Recipes for Healthy Eating 

Stocking the kitchen with ingredients for a variety of recipes for delicious, healthy meals increases the odds of striking that 80/20 balance of nutrient-dense versus energy-dense food. Korman and Agee recommend selecting “real” whole foods rather than diet items.