Donating Your Plasma Saves the Lives of Those with Primary Immunodeficiency

Young woman giving blood in a modern hospital

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (July 22, 2020) – Did you know there are tens of thousands of people who could benefit from your life-saving plasma donation? The U.S. is currently experiencing a devastating shortage of plasma, and those in need are being forced to skip necessary treatments or go without – a possibly fatal situation.

“Plasma, which is one component of blood, is a bit of a miracle cure,” says allergist J. Allen Meadows, MD, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “Allergists around the country treat a condition called Primary Immunodeficiency with a therapy made from plasma. Primary Immunodeficiency is a group of inherited immune deficiencies that leave those affected unable to produce antibodies, making them highly vulnerable to infections. Immune globulin (IG) infusions, made from plasma, give those with immune deficiencies the antibodies their immune system does not produce naturally. That helps protect them from infections.”

Here are some important stats about IG therapy for Primary Immunodeficiency:

“Plasma donation is a gift of life,” says Dr. Meadows. “When you donate plasma, you are giving a patient with Primary Immunodeficiency a chance to ward off infections and live a normal life.” You can find information on where to donate plasma in your area on the website The site features a searchable tool where you plug in your zip code to find plasma donation locations.


The ACAAI is a professional medical organization of more than 6,000 allergists-immunologists and allied health professionals, headquartered in Arlington Heights, Ill. The College fosters a culture of collaboration and congeniality in which its members work together and with others toward the common goals of patient care, education, advocacy, and research. ACAAI allergists are board-certified physicians trained to diagnose allergies and asthma, administer immunotherapy, and provide patients with the best treatment outcomes. For more information and to find relief, visit Join us on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter

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