Black Friday 2022 outlook: Cloudy with a chance of solid sales

Analysts are split on projections for this year’s Black Friday. Markdowns could bring a solid haul for consumers and a stronger-than-expected economy may lead to a successful day for retailers. But the consensus seems to be that the biggest shopping day of the season could go either way. For example, there are concerns that price slashes will be on the stockpile of leftovers that didn’t sell earlier this year. And what about that whole supply chain bottleneck thing?

The University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics boasts several experts who can help make sense of it all:

Andong Cheng: Can provide tips on what to prepare for during this unique holiday shopping season. Her research focuses on defining and identifying the picky consumer segment, and explores how pickiness impacts other judgments and decisions. She advises consumers to consider the phenomenon of double mental discounting, where shoppers experience a “mental accounting phenomenon” when offered promotional credit.

Jackie Silverman: Research examines several facets of judgment and decision making and consumer psychology. According to Silverman, there are many potential benefits of online shopping for consumers, including some unconventional approaches to gift giving this season.

Matthew McGranaghan: Studies the economics of consumer attention and the indirect effects of marketing interventions. He explains that there is a difference in how businesses are innovating and utilizing online retail methods to connect with consumers this holiday season.

Bintong Chen: Can discuss the systematic nature of supply chain issues. He recommends shoppers use major retailers like Amazon and Walmart, whose companies use their own shipping fleets to minimize disruptions.

Caroline Swift: Examines supply chain transparency and the interactions between regulation and business performance.