AASLD Foundation Invests $3.42 Million in Liver Disease Research and Career Development

Alexandria, VA – The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Foundation, the largest private supporter of liver disease research and training in the United States, today announced its investment of $3.42 million in Research and Career Development Awards granted to 29 researchers and clinicians to conduct innovative liver disease research and seek advanced hepatology training.

“Liver disease continues to be a critical healthcare issue in the United States and globally,” explains AASLD Foundation Chair, Bruce R. Bacon, MD, FAASLD. “Despite recent strides and successes in the treatment of many liver diseases, there is still much work to be done if we want to get closer to a world without liver disease. Integral to the success of this vision will be a consistent, stable source of funding for those committed to finding cures and saving lives through innovative research.”

The 2019 AASLD Foundation award recipients — selected from a highly competitive applicant pool by a committee of academic and clinical specialists, physicians and advanced practice providers in the fields of hepatology and transplant hepatology — demonstrate both exceptional aptitude and deep interest in liver disease research and treatment. Their work will further advance the mission of the Foundation and hepatology as a medical specialty.

“AASLD Foundation provides more funding of hepatology research and training than any other private organization in the United States, and this is done through the support of our generous donors,” added Dr. Bacon of the Foundation’s support of hepatology. “Since 2000, more than $50 million has been committed by AASLD, and now its Foundation, to invest in innovative hepatology research and in the those who study and treat liver disease.”

This level of investment demonstrates the Foundation’s commitment to providing critical funding for liver research, securing education and training for those caring for people with liver disease, encouraging young investigators new to the field and increasing access to trained providers for people with liver disease.

In addition to funding these Research and Career Development Awards, the Foundation will invest over $175,000 in travel awards this fall, including the Emerging Liver Scholars Program and the Abstract Travel Awards. These awards will enable young investigators to present their work to an international audience at The Liver Meeting®, taking place in November 2019.

To learn more about AASLD Foundation, and its 2019 award recipients, visit

About AASLD Foundation

AASLD Foundation is the largest private supporter of liver disease research in the United States with more than $50 million awarded since 2000, together with AASLD. Its mission is to invest in innovative hepatology research and in the people who study and treat liver disease. Building upon the philanthropic legacy of AASLD, the Foundation does this by funding hepatology research and advanced hepatology training as well as by providing liver disease education for hepatologists, hepatology healthcare professionals and frontline healthcare professionals.