Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis C Low Among HIV-Negative Men Who Have Sex with Men on PrEP

BOSTON – Data from a new study presented this week at The Liver Meeting® – held by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases – found fewer new cases of hepatitis C infection (commonly called HCV), despite very high rates of other sexually-transmitted infections, in HIV-negative men who have sex with men who take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) treatments.

PrEP is a combination of tenofovir and emtricitabine – two drugs used to treat HIV. PreP is approved for daily use by an HIV-negative person with an HIV-infected partner.

This study, conducted by researchers at the Toronto Centre for Liver Disease in Canada, suggests that HCV transmission may be uncommon among men who have sex with men. The high rates of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among PrEP users who are also men who have sex with men indicates that periodic STI monitoring is important in this population, but more research is needed to show if only individuals in this group with other risk factors, such as drug use, need regular HCV screening.

HCV infection has emerged as an STI among HIV-positive men who have sex with men over the past decade. Generally, HIV-positive men who have sex with men are disproportionally affected by HCV compared with HIV-negative men who have sex with men, mainly due to the fact that HIV itself might facilitate sexual transmission of HCV in addition to different sexual activities and networks of these groups,” says study co-author Sahar Tabatabavakili, MD, MPH, resident physician, University of Toronto. 

Since PrEP was approved for HIV infection prevention among at-risk men who have sex with men, concerns have been raised that its use may lead to increased engagement in activities that may facilitate STI – and possibly HCV – transmission. This is based on a hypothesis that these individuals may rely less on HIV status and condom use to prevent HIV and more on PrEP, and may be increasingly exposed to the semen and rectal fluid of HIV-infected men who have sex with men, who have a higher prevalence of HCV infection. 

“Given a lack of consensus about a potential role for PrEP in acquiring HCV infection and regarding the frequency of monitoring high-risk populations for HCV, the aim of our study was to determine whether HIV-negative men who have sex with men starting PrEP in our Toronto clinic are at increased risk for HCV infection, and whether periodic monitoring of HCV incidence and adjustment of testing policy remain important for timely detection” Dr. Tabatabavakili continues.

Data on new HCV cases and bacterial STIs were calculated between 2012 and 2019 among HIV-negative patients receiving PrEP at Toronto’s University Health Network HIV Prevention Clinic. Oral and anal swabs and urine samples were taken to test for Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and blood was drawn to test for HIV, syphilis and anti-HCV antibodies every three months while the participants were taking PrEP. Patients who had positive screening results were treated locally at the clinic.

Among 344 HIV-uninfected individuals receiving PrEP, 86 percent were men who have sex with men. Five patients tested positive for HCV antibody at the time they initiated PrEP, but all five had previously been treated and cured. Serological and virological follow-up was available for 199 HCV-negative individuals. 

Over 282 patient years, two HCV infections were recorded, which resulted in an incidence of primary HCV infection of 0.7/100 patient years. In comparison, the incidence rate of chlamydia was 49.2/100 person years, of gonorrhea was 36.3/100 person years, and of syphilis was 5.2/100 person years.

“Although we found that sexual transmission of HCV is uncommon among PrEP-using men who have sex with men in Canada, we recommend routine HCV surveillance in this population, potentially more focused on those engaging in other risk factors for transmission – such as drug use” Dr. Tabatabavakili says. “In addition to education and targeted behavioral interventions, continued monitoring of HCV infection among HIV-negative men who have sex with men is recommended for timely detection of a potential STI spread to the larger population of HIV-negative men who have sex with men. Further research with longer follow-up duration is needed to identify which risk factors are most relevant among HIV-negative men who have sex with men.”

Dr. Tabatabavakili will present these findings at AASLD’s press conference in Room 210 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 4 – 5:30 PM. The study entitled “INCIDENCE OF HEPATITIS C VIRUS INFECTIONS AMONG USERS OF HIV PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS IN A LARGE ACADEMIC CENTRE IN TORONTO, CANADA,” will be presented on Monday, Nov. 11 at 4:30 PM at the Sheraton Boston Hotel Constitution Ballroom. The corresponding abstract (number 0281) can be found in the journal, HEPATOLOGY.

About the AASLD 

AASLD is the leading organization of clinicians and researchers committed to preventing and curing liver disease. The work of our members has laid the foundation for the development of drugs used to treat patients with viral hepatitis. Access to care and support of liver disease research are at the center of AASLD’s advocacy efforts.

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Authors: Sahar Tabatabavakili1, Orlando Cerrocchi1, Bettina E Hansen2, Dr. Isaac Bogoch3 and Dr. Jordan J Feld, MD, MPH, FAASLD1, (1)Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, University of Toronto University Health Network, (2)Ihpme, University of Toronto,Toronto, Canada, (3)Divisions of General Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, University of Toronto University Health Network

Abstract Text

Background: Sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is well documented among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- infected individuals, however it also occurs among HIV-uninfected, in sexual contact with HIV-infected partners. HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been shown to be highly effective at preventing HIV acquisition among high-risk populations. However, concern has been raised that use of PrEP may lead to increased engagement in behaviors that may facilitate the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and possibly HCV among PrEP users.

Methods: Between 2012 and 2019, the incidence of HCV, and bacterial STIs were calculated among HIV-negative patients receiving PrEP at the University Health Network HIV Prevention Clinic. Oral and anal swabs and urine samples were collected to test for Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae and blood was drawn to test for HIV, syphilis, and anti-HCV, every 3 months while on PrEP. Patients with positive screening results were managed locally.

Results: Among 344 HIV-uninfected patients receiving PrEP, 86% were men having sex with men (MSM). Five patients tested positive for HCV antibody at the time of PrEP initiation (prevalence 1.5%) but all had previously been treated and cured. Serological and virological follow-up was available for 199 HCV-negative individuals. Over 282 patient-years (PY) 2 infections were recorded, yielding an incidence of primary HCV infection of 0.7/100 PY (95% confidence interval, 0.001–0.025) (Genotypes 1a and 4).In contrast with HCV, the incidence rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were respectively 49.2/100 PY (95% CI, 0.38–0.61), 36.3/100 PY (95% CI, 0.28–0.48), and 5.2/100 PY (95% CI, 0.014–0.13).Both individuals with new HCV diagnoses reported being MSM with a history of unprotected sexual intercourse and one also reported smoking crystal meth and significant alcohol use. Both patients were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis and were detected by routine laboratory monitoring. Both received successful antiviral therapy.

Conclusion: The low incidence of HCV infections despite very high rates of other STIs suggests that sexual transmission of HCV is uncommon in HIV-negative, MSM PrEP users. Whether routine HCV surveillance among PrEP users could be restricted to those engaging in drug use or other risk factors for transmission should be evaluated. The high incidence of STIs in this population, indicate a pivotal role for periodic STI monitoring in those receiving PrEP.

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