Secondhand Smoke Impairs Heart Tissue Cells and Vascular Smooth Muscle Constriction

Rockville, Md. (August 26, 2021)—Chronic exposure to an “environmentally relevant concentration” of secondhand smoke (SHS) impairs mesenteric arterial myocyte electrophysiology (muscle cells within heart tissue) and myogenic tone (constriction of vascular smooth muscle), according to a new study conducted in male mice. The research also found passive exposure to cigarette smoke might contribute to “increased blood pressure and risks of developing vascular complications.”

Mice in this study were exposed to either filtered air or SHS for periods of four, eight or 12 weeks. While the research shows cigarette smoke and SHS have “significant detrimental vascular effects,” physiologist said its effects on myogenic tone of small resistance arteries and the underlying mechanisms are “understudied.”

Read the full article, “Secondhand smoke impairs heart tissue cells and vascular smooth muscle constriction,” published ahead of print in Function. Contact APS Media Relations or call 301.634.7314 to schedule an interview with a member of the research team.