Seamless Smart Living: The Case for Hiring a Smart Home Integrator

As smart homes continue to explode in popularity, with sales reaching 29 billion USD at the end of 2023, homeowners have never had more options available to them on the market. Many begin with something simple, like a smart doorbell or thermostat, and then slowly add more devices as they feel comfortable. However, as homeowners create more complex smart homes, they may be overwhelmed by the task of making all their devices work together seamlessly. Many homeowners don’t realize they have the option of hiring a smart home professional to gain the convenience and customizability of a smart home, without the stressors. 

“As the smart home industry continues to grow and change at a quicker pace, homeowners should be aware of the resources available to them as they navigate smart home installation—whether that’s just installing one device, or dozens,” said Daryl Friedman, global president and CEO of CEDIA, the association for smart home professionals. “Hiring a smart home professional is a great choice for any homeowner, but particularly those who are looking for peace of mind and effortless functionality from day one.” 

CEDIA shares some benefits of working with a smart home integrator: 

While many smart devices today are DIY-able with some extra effort, these benefits display how smart home professionals can streamline any homeowner’s process towards creating a seamlessly functional smart home. 

For more information on smart home technologies and best practices for homeowners, or to find a smart home professional near you, visit  

About CEDIA   

CEDIA® is the Association for Smart Home Professionals™. Established in 1989, CEDIA remains founded on the principles of advocacy, connection, and education. Globally, CEDIA defends the rights of technology integrators in governmental bodies, gathers industry professionals and allied tradespeople, and creates trainings, standards, and certifications to ensure the smart home industry advances and draws fresh talent. CEDIA co-owns Integrated Systems Europe, the world’s largest AV and systems integration exhibition, and founded CEDIA Expo, the world’s largest residential technology show. Today, a community of over 30,000 CEDIA members from more than 80 countries deliver home technology solutions that enrich our lives. Learn more about CEDIA at