Sarcoma Awareness Month: Orthopaedic oncologists available to comment on the rarity of sarcoma and the work that’s being done to better treatment options for patients

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month. Few people can tell you that sarcoma is a rare cancer of the soft tissue and bone with over 70 subtypes. And even advocacy groups call it “a forgotten cancer.” But for the tens of thousands of Americans living with sarcoma, sarcoma isn’t rare: it’s a daily reality. 

Sarcoma deserves recognition 365 days a year, not just this month.

Knowing that sarcoma requires various treatment options at various stages of discovery, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) are working hard through the Musculoskeletal Tumor Registry (MsTR) to help clinicians and health systems track function, complications and outcomes in patients treated for sarcomas. The Registry fills a gap in current sarcoma care by focusing on quality-of-life and functional outcomes at a scale not previously attempted. As such, it is helping pave the way to find a cure for sarcoma.

The following orthopaedic surgeons are available to lend insight into diagnosis, treatment and improved quality of life for sarcoma patients. What’s more, they can share patient stories and speak to the role a Registry like the MsTR plays in allowing surgeons to combine data from institutions around the country, potentially answering treatment and outcome questions otherwise unable to be answered due to the rarity of the disease. 


To learn more, schedule an interview or source patient stories, contact Deanna Killackey at 847.384.4035 or

SARCOMA FACTS: Did you know?


For more information about the Registry, visit


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