Ohio scientist sheltering in place in Italy

Guiseppe Strangi, a physics professor for Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, has been sheltering in place in his native Italy for the last month and offers a particular insight into the pandemic during its spike in that European nation.

Strangi say he is “surrounded by a silent storm” and that the “Italian people are devastated after 31 days of total isolation and for counting innumerable deaths for Covid-19. In many northern regions, the deaths were way more than they were able to bury per day.”   

Strangi, whose research “primarily focuses on optical and plasmonic properties of nanostructured photonic metamaterials” is also working on new projects that may relate more closely to the fight against the novel coronavirus behind the global pandemic.  

He recently was awarded a U.S. patent for a new diagnostic platforms todetect/recognize both RNA fragments and proteins–a platform that may be adapted to profile viruses like COVID-19 with “extreme sensitivity and specificity.”


Professor Strangi may be contacted directly at

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