McLean Hospital Webinar Series: How to Break Free From Our Expectations

Dr. Lisa Coyne Addresses How You’re Letting Yourself Down

October 1 @ 11am EST

Whether you’re thumbing through a perfectly curated social media feed or receiving a rejection letter from your dream job, it can be easy to be disappointed when things don’t go according to plan. While all of us hold expectations, managing what is realistic and feasible can be challenging.

Can adjusting our expectations be the key to a happier life? And if so, how do we get started on changing our outlook?

Join us on Thursday, October 1, at 11am EST, as Dr. Lisa Coyne discusses the relationship between mental wellness and expectations, shares tips on how to break free from the burden of unrealistic expectations, and answers your questions about managing expectations.

As a leader in mental health care, McLean Hospital recognizes the need for reliable and helpful mental health resources. With this in mind, we have dedicated the time of our staff to ensure we are making free resources available for the public and professionals in hopes of promoting healthy individuals and communities.