Living Beyond Breast Cancer Provides Expert Patient Perspectives during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This Fall, Living Beyond Breast Cancer, the national patient information and support organization, is tracking the following trends:


Thrive 365: Breast Cancer on Your Own Terms

For people affected by breast cancer, awareness is not just about October. And there’s not just one way to have breast cancer.  Women are taking control of their experience by making choices that express their values and individuality. Some are using scalp cooling to preserve their hair during chemotherapy while others sport colorful scarves. Some are opting for DIEP flap reconstruction while others are embracing going flat. Some embrace meditation or plant-based diets, while others take up journaling or advocacy.  Connect to members of LBBC’s community to report on how women at all ages are making the most of life beyond diagnosis. 


Breast Cancer and Health in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups

Patients who are Black and Hispanic are disproportionately affected by lack of timely information, travel impediments, and financial toxicity related to the costs of cancer care. During LBBC’s annual “Knowledge is Power” webinar series (Sept 14, 21 and 28), Oncology Social Worker Lisa Petgrave-Nelson, will speak on the mental health challenges that black women affected by breast cancer face, and how to remove barriers to care. Other topics in the series include disparities in care, the importance of clinical trial participation, and empowering patient advocates to remove barriers to care in their community.


Body Image and Reconstruction

Scars that won’t heal. Disfiguring surgery. Lymphedema. Even with optimal outcomes, having breast cancer changes the body and can effect a woman’s body image and mental health. Meet members of LBBC’s patient population to discuss topics like body acceptance after mastectomy and reconstruction, different reconstruction options, and finding confidence in fashion brands made specifically for women impacted by breast cancer.


To arrange interviews with LBBC staff or the diverse patient population we serve, contact Denise Portner at or Julia Fleisher at