Higher Education Reopening During COVID: Expert Panel for September 9, 2PM EDT


University students around the nation prepare for a 2020 academic year that will be like no other in recent memory, with social distancing, remote classes, and limited on-campus activities, and now, increasing numbers of COVID infections. How are leaders assessing the situation and planning to keep their students and communities safe, while maintaining the high standards of education that their students expect? 

This virtual media event welcomes presidents, deans, and other university spokespeople to make the case for how their universities are handling this once in a lifetime challenge.

There will be 3 panels beginning at the top of the hour starting at 2PM, 3PM, and 4PM.


More panelists TBA

When: Thursday, September 9, 2PM-5PM EDT

Where: Newswise Live Zoom Room

Registration for media, as well as colleagues from participating Newswise member institutions

This live event will also be recorded and transcribed for use by media and communicators after it is concluded.