FLCCC Alliance Calls on National Health Authorities to Immediately Review Medical Evidence Showing the Efficacy of Ivermectin for the Prevention of COVID-19 and as an Early Outpatient Treatment

“Following the swift review— and subsequent guidance— by the NIH and the CDC of Ivermectin, we expect that Ivermectin’s widespread, immediate use will allow for a rapid and safe re-opening of businesses and schools across the nation—and quickly reduce the strain on overwhelmed ICUs.” —FLCCC Alliance

HOUSTON, TEXAS—DECEMBER 4, 2020:—At a press conference on Friday at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas, three Critical Care physician/ scholars from the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), developers of the MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19, presented comprehensive scientific evidence—including Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) and Observational Controlled Trials—demonstrating that Ivermectin, a key component of the FLCCC’s I-MASK+ Prophylaxis and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol, is the potential solution to the unprecedented global surge of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The FLCCC Alliance also said that widespread use of this protocol would contribute to a rapidand safe re-opening of businesses and schools across the na+on—and reduce the current strain on overwhelmed hospitals and ICUs.

“The effective vaccines for which we have all been waiting are coming very soon, but not soon enough to save the tens of thousands who are projected to die before the wide spread distribution of the vaccines can be completed,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, a founding member of the FLCCC Alliance, an Associate Professor of Medicine and Critical Care physician at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Right now, COVID-19 is a runaway train barreling down the tracks, and if you’re on those tracks, Ivermectin can help lift you out of harm’s way.”

Over the last several weeks, the Critical Care physicians of the FLCCC Alliance conducted acomprehensive review of the rapidly emerging scientific evidence on Ivermectin from studies conducted around the world. (The link to their review is HERE.) This review led the team to develop the I-Mask+ Protocol and to call for its urgent adoption by health authorities — whocould subsequently issue immediate guidance for the nation’s prescribing physicians.

“It is true that these rapidly emerging studies demonstrate the power of Ivermectin, are purposed, 40-year-old drug first approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) for treating parasitic infections,” said Dr. Paul Marik, the founder of the FLCCC Alliance, Professor of Medicine and the most highly published Critical Care physician in America. “Furthermore, overthe last four decades, Ivermectin has been used safely by 3.7 billion people.

“Why it works so well in COVID-19 is that Ivermectin has shown very high activity fighting both the SARS-CoV-2 virus as well as the inflammation produced in all stages of COVID-19. It works pre-and post-exposure, the early symptoms phase and late-stage disease,” continued Dr. Marik. “New and highly compelling data has emerged since August—which is the last time the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reviewed or updated their data. We now know from numerous and increasing randomized controlled trials that Ivermectin inhibits the SARS virus and prevents the virus from multiplying. Study after study shows consistent and reproducible efficacy.”

The FLCCC Alliance physicians believe that Ivermectin is the potential solution to the pandemic— and will change the face of this disease worldwide. That is why the FLCCC is calling upon national health authorities to swiftly review the comprehensive medical evidence and issue guidelines for doctors to begin immediately prescribing Ivermectin for their patients.

“If the goal is to prevent people from getting COVID-19 and to keep people in the early phase of the disease from ever progressing to serious illness, then we have just the treatment,” said Dr.Joe Varon, Chief of Staff and Chie of Critical Care Services at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, who has been taking care of critically ill COVID-19 patients for 280 consecutive days.“It is also part of a combination that doctors throughout the nation can safely prescribe. It is inexpensive, off-patent, and widely available around the globe. And with continued mask wearing,social distancing and hand-washing, it can get this nation back to work—well beforethe widespread distribution of the vaccine.”

The components in the FLCCC’s I-Mask+ Protocol can also reduce the current out-of-control hospitalizations. Epidemiological data from all over the world show that with Ivermectin, infection rates and death rates are plummeting. (Link to protocol is HERE.)

“We find it that these data are consistent and credible,” said Dr. Kory. “More and more studies keep coming in everyday. We are thoroughly convinced that this is the potential solution to the global pandemic.”

Many patients who have already asked their doctors to prescribe Ivermectin for them have been turned away. “Ignoring the data and the findings supporting Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID19 is an abandonment of the Hippocratic oath,” said Dr. Marik.

The FLCCC Alliance’s comprehensive “Guide to the Management of COVID-19” can be accessed HERE.

The entire Electronic Press Kit can be accessed at



Additional Info

Drs. Varon, Marik, and Kory are founding members of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed by a group of Critical Care physician/scholars — with the academic support of allied physicians from around the world — formed in March 2020, to research and develop life saving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in all stages of illness. The FLCCC doctors share decades of experience in hospital ICUs and have published more than 1,000 scientific studies in leading medical journals. (The FLCCC is not associated in any way with the group called ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’.)

If you want to know more about the FLCCC Alliance please regard our “About” section on, in particular the “FLCCC Alliance Story.”

In addition our home page contains Scientific Reviews and many links to scientific studies that provide the medical evidence in support of our prophylaxis & treatment protocols for Covid-19.

FLCCC Alliance – Mission Statement and Objectives

Formed by leading critical care specialists in March 2020, at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the ‘Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’ is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to developing highly effective treatment protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and to improve the outcomes for patients ill with the disease.

We are dedicated to

− Reviewing all emerging published medical literature on COVID-19 from in-vitro, animal, clinical, and epidemiologic studies.

− Developing effective treatment protocols for COVID-19 that evolve by incorporating newly identified, applicable therapeutic and pathophysiologic insights.

− Educating physicians on safe and effective treatment approaches to all phases of COVID-19, fromdisease prevention strategies to the use of our combination-based therapy protocols in both early stage (I-MASK+) and hospitalized patients (MATH+).

− Improving outcomes for people impacted by COVID-19 disorders through preventive and treatment strategies designed to optimize health.

− Teaching the public ways to prevent transmission of the virus and to advocate for the best possible care.

− Coordinating and accelerating the formation of research studies that will support effective prevention and therapeutic treatments for all impacted by COVID-19

We accomplish these goals by sponsoring high quality medical education for both the public and health care providers, via the publication of scientific manuscripts, media interviews, and medical lectures for medical providers and the public.