The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health is launching FIELDING FOCUS, a new webinar series that will begin with weekly curated conversations addressing public health and COVID-19. During the first few sessions, we will explore the impact that the current pandemic is having on health care management (April 28, moderated by Leah Vriesman), the myriad ramifications for vulnerable populations (May 5, moderated by Jessica Gipson), and wellness and healthy living (May 12, moderated by Michael Prelip).
Please find details below for our first webinar, which will address COVID-19 and health care management, on Tuesday, April 28 at 5:00 PM (via Zoom). Note that RSVP is required.
Public Health in a Pandemic: COVID-19 & Health Care Management
Tuesday, April 28 | 5:00 PM PDT – 6:00 PM PDT | Via Zoom
Leah J. Vriesman
Executive Director & Associate Professor
Fielding School Executive Programs in Health Policy & Management
Co-Director, FSPH UCLA Center for Healthcare Management
Jill Martin
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Cedars-Sinai Medical Network
Ozzie Martinez
Chief Administrative Officer
Kaiser Permanente
Eugene Schneller
Professor & Dean’s Council of 100 Distinguished Scholar
Department of Supply Chain Management
W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
Tweet during the eventTag @UCLAFSPHUse the hashtag #UCLAFieldingFocus
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