Experts: Supply chains that run through Tampa Bay could be at risk from Idalia


The anticipated storm surge from Hurricane Idalia could affect supply chains that run through the Tampa Bay metro area, including petroleum products from the Gulf Coast that supply many central Florida population centers. 

U.S. supply chain experts Benjamin Ruddell and Richard Rushforth from the FEWSION Project at Northern Arizona University, which maps all supply chains throughout the United States, are available to discuss potential impacts from the storm bearing down on the middle of Florida’s Big Bend. The biggest concern as of now is the storm surge; high levels of storm surge are expected to for MacDill Air Force Base and the Tampa International Airport.

Major population centers and numerous regional critical supply chain infrastructure systems are not currently in the storm’s path. However, being aware of different possible outcomes will help regions whose supply chains run through the Tampa Bay area to prepare for potential short- and long-term effects.

Ben Ruddell, director of the FEWSION Project and professor in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems; (928) 523-3124 or

Richard Rushforth, research scientist in FEWSION and assistant researcher professor in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems;

What is FEWSION?

FEWSION, which is funded by the NSF, uses comprehensive data mapping to monitor domestic supply chains down to individual U.S. countries. It was developed to give government officials and emergency managers accurate information about their supply chains so they can be aware of the risks from hurricanes, pandemics, geopolitical issues and other factors that can affect supply chains, thus helping communities and states plan and give confidence to consumers as they understand how resilient their supply chains are. FEW-View™, the supply chain visualization website, is available to the public.

Media contact: Heidi Toth,; (575) 910-0697