Experts available to comment on air quality issues due to wildfires

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration warns of an impending record high heat across the nation. Last year was the warmest year on record for the globe, and we just experienced the warmest winter on record. With extreme heat comes increased risk for wildfires like the ones burning through Northern and Southern California right now. These wildfires signal an early start to the California wildfire season. UC Irvine Public Health experts of air quality and environmental health are available for media interviews to provide insights, analysis, and recommendations to mitigate the impact of wildfire smoke and protect our public health.  

Experts Available: 

Dr. Jun Wu, PhD 

Title: Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health  

Dr. Shahir Masri, ScD 

Title: Associate Specialist in Air Pollution Exposure Assessment & Epidemiology 

Key Topics for Discussion: