Digital health pioneer co-leads multi-university study that finds phone apps are effective in helping college women with eating disorders

Biography :

Dr. C. Barr Taylor is a Research Professor at Palo Alto University and Director of the Center for m2Health that focuses on developing, evaluating and disseminating digital health interventions for preventing and treating common mental health problems.

He is also Professor of Psychiatry (emeritus) at Stanford University. Dr. Taylor did his undergraduate training at Columbia University, his medical training at the University of Utah Medical Center and his residency in psychiatry at Stanford Medical Center.

He has published nearly 400 papers, and written or co-written 11 books. He is currently one of the Principal Investigators on a large, long-term NIMH funded study designed to evaluate the effects of digital interventions to prevent and treat anxiety, depression and eating disorders in college students.

He has extensive experience as a teacher and clinical supervisor, having, for instance, served as the Adult Residency Training Director in the Stanford Department of Psychiatry for many years and helping to train many psychologists as part of the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system program for disseminating and implementing cognitive behavior therapy for depression.

Quote :[On virtual therapy]: “We are in uncharted waters. I would encourage practitioners to check with their state regulatory boards and their counseling services.”