Dermatologist and director of UCLA Health Skin of Color clinic available for interview on summer skin tips for those with darker skin tones

UCLA Health dermatologist Caroline Opene, MD treats patients of all skin tones, but as director of the UCLA Health Skin of Color clinic, she has special expertise in treating skin of color.  

Below are some of the topics she is often asked about. To interview her on these or related topics, including lack of ranges of skin tones in clinical studies and textbooks, contact Simi Singer at 310.435.9435.

Are certain types of skin blocks better for people with different skin tones?

“Not necessarily. In general, the best sunscreen is the one you put on consistently. While I recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for everyone, there are options: mineral sunscreens made with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, may be better for those with sensitive skin and young children. Zinc oxide also provides good UVA protection, so I tend to recommend it to those prone to hyperpigmentation. Mineral sunscreens, however, can sometimes leave an undesirable white cast on people with darker skin tones. While chemical sunscreens usually don’t leave a cast, they can be irritating to those with sensitive skin or allergies. So for my patients with darker skin tones, I frequently recommend hybrid sunscreens, with both chemical and mineral filters for protection and improved blendability.”

Does the sun cause as much damage to skin of color?

Melanin does provide some protection against the sun’s harmful rays, but less than people tend to think. Those with medium to darker skin tones usually develop fewer pre-cancerous growths and have later onset of wrinkles that are due to sun damage. However, in these populations sun damage can present as uneven skin tone or dark spots. To mitigate this, I recommend tinted broad spectrum sunscreens to provide not only UVA and UVB protection, but also protection against visible light. Visible light is found in both in daylight and in our devices and is a major driver of hyperpigmentation in people of color.”

Are people with darker skin less likely to develop skin cancer?

In general, those with fairer skin that sunburns easily are at highest risk for skin cancer, as are those with a family history. That said, I have diagnosed a fair number of skin cancers on the face or hands of Asian, Latino, or African American patients who have worked outdoors for many years. People of color can also develop skin cancer in “hidden” areas such as the palms of the hands and bottoms of the feet. Skin cancer is generally treatable if it is caught early, but people of color often experience barriers to dermatologic care and tend to present at more advanced stages. It is especially important that all people check their own skin regularly for any irregular or changing moles and go to their doctor immediately if concerned.”


Dr. Opene is a board-certified dermatologist and is a clinician in UCLA Health’s Department of Dermatology