Creighton University Provost announces one-year extension for tenure probationary period

OMAHA, Neb. (March 18, 2020) ­– Creighton University Provost Thomas Murray, PhD, announced today that Creighton University will offer a one-year extension of the tenure probationary period for pre-tenure faculty. This is an opt-in policy, and Murray said some faculty may decide to not halt their tenure clock for the year. 

“Inasmuch as the national outbreak of COVID-19 carries the potential to significantly impede progress toward tenure of our assistant professors, Creighton University will allow a one-year extension of their probationary period,” said Murray. “The time and effort required to pivot to all-online course delivery may detract from the research, scholarship and/or service activities of faculty. Hence, beginning in the 2020-21 academic year, pre-tenure faculty may exercise the option to extend their probationary period by one year.” 

Murray said pre-tenure assistant professors should notify their department chair and dean prior to the start of the fall 2020 semester of their intent to extend their probationary period by one year. These requests will, in turn, be reviewed and approved by the dean and provost.


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