Confused About What to Do After a COVID Exposure? Start Here

Remember those “Choose Your Own Adventure” books from grade school?

The ones where you turned to a different page, depending on what you wanted a book character to do?

If you find out you or your child has been around someone who has COVID-19, you might feel like you’re living in one of those books. What should you do next?

And unlike the books, there’s a lot more at stake if you make the wrong choice. Plus, you can’t turn back to the page you started on.

So, here’s a simple Choose Your Own Adventure-style guide to get you through the current surge in cases, and the next few months, safely.

You can download, print and share a simple graphic version of this guide.

For full details, follow the Choose Your Own Adventure text below.

Wait! This guide doesn’t agree with what I was told before.

That’s right! Experts have learned a lot in the past year about this coronavirus, how it spreads and who’s most likely to get sick or spread it to others. And more people are getting vaccinated, which protects them from serious illness and death if they get infected.

So the rules about who needs to do what, after they get exposed to a person with COVID-19, have changed.

And the rules apply to children and teens as well as adults. Younger people may not be as likely to get sick, but they can still spread the virus. So where we say “you” below, you can also substitute “your child or teen.”

Start here:

You find out that you were exposed to someone who developed COVID-19 symptoms, or who tested positive for coronavirus even if they don’t have symptoms.

Your adventure begins:

You just got your test results. Time to choose an adventure:

Adventure 1: Your lab test comes back negative and you have no symptoms.


Report your test result to your school or work, and to people you live with or were near recently.

But you’re not out of the woods yet.

Now, choose which one of these situations applies to you to find out what happens next:

You can now skip to “The final chapter” below!

Adventure 2: Your lab test comes back positive or you develop symptoms.

There’s no way to sugar-coat this: you need to go into isolation.

Isolation means staying home at all times and avoiding others, even the people you live with.

It means staying in a closed room (though you can have a window open.) It means wearing a mask to use the bathroom. It means having people leave you food, drink and medicine at your door. It means treating any symptoms you might have, such as fever and pain. And of course, it means seeking medical care if any of your symptoms become serious.

Tell your school or work what’s going on. Tell people you recently had close contact with, so they can get tested with a lab test (PCR) and stay home while they wait for their results.

Don’t leave isolation until your contagious period is over.

This means your adventure in isolation must continue 10 days after your positive test or the start of your symptoms. At that point, you may be ready to go back to school or work. But if you’ve had a fever, you must also wait until you are 24 hours after the fever has gone away, without fever-reducing drugs.

Then, and only then, can you go back to school or work. You might have some lingering symptoms like a reduced sense of taste or smell, but you are not likely to be contagious unless you have a compromised immune system.

You should still monitor yourself for symptoms until 14 days, and go back into isolation if they come back.

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Now, choose which one of these situations applies to you, to find out what happens next:

Keep reading for the final chapter.

The final chapter: Life after a COVID exposure

No matter what your test result, vaccination status or COVID history, you still need to wear a mask in public, avoid large gatherings, and avoid being near people who you know are contagious whenever possible. As vaccination increases, this guidance will likely change.

If you are traveling, taking part in sports, preparing for a medical procedure, or working or attending school in person, you may be asked or required to take antigen tests once or multiple times.

These screening tests give results in minutes and are useful for spotting undiscovered cases, but they are also much more prone to giving “false negatives.” So, getting a negative result on one of them does not give you a “free pass” to stop paying attention to COVID precautions.

If you test negative on an antigen test, but you then develop symptoms or find out that you had an exposure to a contagious person, you should get a lab test (PCR) and quarantine until you get your results.

If you test positive on an antigen test, immediately follow up by having a lab test (PCR), and quarantine until you get the results. In either case, use your lab test results to guide you on Adventure 1 or Adventure 2 above.

The less the virus spreads, the less chance it will have to sicken and kill people, to mutate, and to prompt new limits on schools, activities and businesses.

Public health experts will tell us when we can ease up on these practices, based on vaccination rates and case counts.

Because that’s the only way we’re going to close the book on COVID-19.

Thanks to Michigan Medicine experts Emily Somers, Ph.D., and Jonathan Golob, M.D., Ph.D., for assistance in the preparation of this story and the accompanying flowchart.

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