Albany Law School Scholar Available to Speak about Elephant’s Habeas Corpus Case

With Tuesday’s 5-to-2 rejection by the New York State Court of Appeals of the argument that Happy the Asian Elephant is being illegally detained at the Bronx Zoo and should be transferred to a more natural environment, Albany Law School Professor Vincent Bonventre is available to share his insight and deep knowledge of New York’s highest court.

The case focused on the underlying legal principal of habeas corpus — personal liberty versus illegal confinement — and its extension to highly intelligent and emotional animals such as elephants. In Happy’s case, the court said no.

Vincent Bonventre is the Justice Robert H. Jackson Distinguished Professor of Law at Albany Law School.

Beyond his vast experience working with visual, audio, and print media, he is also the author of New York Court Watcher, a blog devoted to commentary on developments at the Supreme Court, the New York Court of Appeals, and other state supreme courts nationwide. He is also the founder and Director of the Center for Judicial Process.

He is available by appointment.

Read more about Prof. Bonventre: