أنت “هنا”: دليل المدخن للإقلاع عن التدخين

If you smoke, you may have reached the point where you want to stop, but you need evidence to get you from “here,” i.e., I smoke, to “there,” i.e. I quit. Here are tips for how to get started on your journey to quitting smoking from MD, MD Patrick Pejauette, MD , of the Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato, Minnesota. . 

Collect smoking expenses 

Smoking harms your body, the people around you, and your wallet: 

Know when you are ready to quit smoking: 

Why is it difficult to quit smoking? Nicotine stimulates the brain’s reward pathway, releasing feel-good dopamine. Over time, you start to crave the feelings you get from nicotine, and you start to feel that’s normal. When your body no longer has nicotine, it goes into abstinence. 

When you get to the point where the harmful effects outweigh what you get from smoking and you realize the control nicotine has in your daily life, you’re ready. But it must be your decision. It is your commitment to yourself. You may have tried to quit before and failed, but you may have made the effort for others, not yourself. 

Go from “here” meaning I smoke to “there” meaning I quit smoking 

Quitting smoking is a process. Creating a quitting plan can help you prepare for and follow through with your decision. 

Here are some elements of a successful quit plan: 

Overcome frustration: 

When people try to quit smoking, if they make a mistake, they tend to think the worst: “I’m a loser. I screwed it up.” These thoughts can trigger anxiety, which can make you go back to your coping technique: smoking. 

But if you smoke a cigarette or vape, you have nothing to lose: 



About the Mayo Clinic 

Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit corporation committed to innovation in clinical practice, education and research, as well as offering compassion and answers from a group of experts to everyone who needs healing. Visit the Mayo Clinic News Network for more Mayo Clinic news. 


Media contact 

Sharon Theimer, Mayo Clinic Contact email: