The joint international 239th ECS Meeting and 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS) is now accepting abstract submissions. The Electrochemical Society (ECS) is the established global leader in electrochemical and solid state science and technology and allied subjects. The Society’s meetings are the premier venue for presenting, sharing, exchanging, and learning about the latest, most innovative, and relevant research and scientific and technical developments in these fields.
Scientists working in the meeting topic areas are strongly encouraged to submit their abstracts by December 4, 2020. Abstracts are peer-reviewed by foremost leaders in the field who provide feedback and suggestions on refining method and results—invaluable feedback for moving beyond the first results of new studies. Successful abstracts lead to presenting on the ECS meeting’s global stage. Authors receive unparalleled visibility and the ECS imprimatur of highest quality work. Doors open to future collaborations and new career opportunities.
Plans are proceeding to hold the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS at the Chicago Hilton, IL, from May 30-June 3, 2021. The Society is actively monitoring the worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and preparing for any potential impact on the upcoming meeting. The community will be informed of decisions regarding the meeting. ECS has included a digital presentation component for presenters who may not be able to travel due to the pandemic. PRiME 2020, the Society’s first all-digital meeting, achieved record-breaking participation. An equally enthusiastic response is anticipated for the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS, whether it is in person, online, or a combination of both.
The prestigious 239th ECS Meeting Plenary Lecture will be delivered by Rodney S. Ruoff, a world expert on carbon nanostructures who has made pioneering discoveries on materials such as fullerenes, nanotubes, graphene, and diamonds. Ruoff is Director of the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea, where he is also a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemistry, School of Materials Science, School of Energy and Chemical Engineering.
The meeting includes 56 Society, 10 IMCS, and one joint ECS and IMCS symposia. Program highlights include these topic areas:
“ECS is a very student-friendly society and works well as a home for young scientists to flourish. There are plenty of activities for students and our community’s researchers engage with them. Conversations are interesting and engrossing,” says Greg Jackson, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines.
“ECS meetings are enormously valuable for battery research…They encompass so many of my interests—energy, water, corrosion, nanoscience. They are like one-stop shopping. You hear talks about batteries or other electrochemical topics at other society meetings, but it’s not their main focus so you don’t get it all in one place,” says Marca Doeff, Senior Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Deputy Division Director of LBNL Energy Storage and Distributed Resources.
Scientists at all career levels are encouraged to submit abstracts for the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS by December 4, 2020. The Call for Papers provides detailed symposia information. Address questions about abstract submission to ECS divisions and sections offer financial aid to fund travel or online meeting registration fees for students and early career professionals.
Institutions can exhibit at the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS and sponsor at a variety of levels, building their visibility and credibility with a global group of leaders in electrochemical and solid state science and technology and allied subjects. For more information, contact
ECS’s helpful staff are happy to answer questions; email them at
About The Electrochemical Society (ECS)
ECS is the established global leader in advancing theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects. A nonprofit professional society founded in 1902, ECS has 8,000+ individual and institutional members in 85+ countries. Society members enable solutions to the major challenges facing the planet: renewable energy, clean transportation, communications, and more. ECS hosts prestigious meetings, publishes peer-reviewed and innovative scientific research, fosters training and education, and collaborates with other global organizations. Learn more about the history of ECS at