@UMSociology expert Erin Cech: If the Supreme Court rules that discrimination did happen, it will effectively implement anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ workers in the US for the first time

Cech’s research examines cultural mechanisms of inequality reproduction–specifically, how inequality is reproduced through processes that are not overtly discriminatory or coercive, but rather those that are built into seemingly innocuous cultural beliefs and practices.

“The passage of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling is a momentous occasion for LGBTQ workplace rights. It is much needed and a long time coming. However, the fight is far from over. In research we conducted on a population who already had anti-discrimination protections in place – federal employees—we found systematic experiences of day-to-day workplace inequality for LGBT workers. These LGBT inequalities were worse for people of color and women. While it’s time to celebrate, it should be a starting point of a new era of fighting for LGBTQ equality in workplaces, not the finish line.”


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