Surf, Sand and Seaweed: The latest breakthroughs in Marine Science

Here are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Marine Science channel on Newswise, a free source for media.

Map of Ancient Ocean ‘Dead Zones’ Could Predict Future Locations, Impacts

New study: Methane emissions offset carbon uptake in Baltic macroalgae habitats

Major Breakthrough As Scientists Sequence The Genomes Of Endangered Sharks

Over 330 Fish Species – up to 35 New to Science – Found in Bolivian National Park

Slime for the climate, delivered by brown algae

Microplastics deposited on the seafloor triple in 20 years

Palau’s Rock Islands Harbor Heat-resistant Corals

Research reveals which animals perceive time the fastest

Lobsters in reserves grow faster

Analysis of giant extinct marine reptile graveyard suggests mysterious site was ancient birthing grounds