Rutgers Political Scientist Available to Discuss Conspiracy to Kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Mona Lena Krook, a Rutgers–New Brunswick professor of political science, is available to discuss the conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in an alleged domestic terrorist plot as it relates to violence against women in politics.

“The alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is not only a case of domestic terrorism,” said Krook, “but it is also an instance of violence against women in politics, motivated by sexist beliefs that women are not legitimate leaders – and thus need to be removed from power by whatever means necessary. Ignoring the gendered dimensions of such acts normalizes such attacks and poses a serious threat to our democratic system.”

Mona Lena Krook researches the global diffusion and impact of electoral quotas for women, as well as the rising global phenomenon of violence against women in politics. She is the chair of the Women & Politics Ph.D. Program and author of Violence against Women in Politics.

For more about her research on violence against women in politics, click here.

For interviews, contact Megan Schumann at or 848-445-1907.