Respected Pancreatic and Hepatobiliary Surgeon Offering Cutting Edge Cancer Treatment

With expertise in robotic pancreatic surgery and laparoscopic liver (hepatobiliary) surgery, Dr. Debashish Bose is committed to remaining on the forefront of patient care advances and providing new treatment methods for patients facing a cancer diagnosis.

Dr. Bose is one of the region’s leading surgeons in the use of the NanoKnife System to treat pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, small tumors and recurrent disease. The NanoKnife System is next-generation technology used to treat diseased tissue without damaging surrounding healthy cells. The probe-based technology generates pulsed, low-current, high-voltage electrical energy. This non-thermal electrical energy creates permanent “pores” in the cancer cell membrane, leading to irreversible swelling, apoptosis and cell death while preserving surrounding structures.