President Joe Biden Ends Reelection Bid, Following Democratic Calls for Him to Exit Race

In a momentous decision in American political history, President Joe Biden is ending his 2024 presidential campaign. This comes as a growing number of Democrats called for the president to end his reelection bid. 

Faculty experts at the George Washington University are available to provide context, commentary and analysis on this matter. If you would like to speak to an expert, please contact the GW Media Relations Team at [email protected].

Peter Loge is the director of GW’s School of Media and Public Affairs. He has nearly 30 years of experience in politics and communications, having served as a deputy to the chief of staff for Sen. Edward Kennedy during the 1995 shutdown, a VP at the US Institute of Peace in 2013, and held senior positions for three members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Loge currently leads the Project on Ethics in Political Communication at the School of Media and Public Affairs and continues to advise advocates and organizations. 

Loge says, “President Biden is an aging star athlete who is stepping off the field for the last time. It is never easy, but age and injuries eventually catch up with all of us. The game is on the line, and the time is right.”

Casey Burgat is the director of the Legislative Affairs program at the Graduate School of Political Management and host of its Mastering the Room podcast. Prior to joining GSPM, Burgat was a Senior Governance Fellow at the R Street Institute where his research focused on issues of congressional capacity and reform. Burgat co-authored Congress Explained: Representation and Lawmaking in the First Branch, a textbook on all things Congress.

Burgat says, “After weeks of speculation, private and increasing public pressure, and dropping poll numbers, President Biden was unable to hold on to enough support to continue as the Democratic nominee. Just like Nixon’s resignation in Watergate, presidents are usually the last to see or accept the writing on the wall, and their ultimate resignation comes down to finally being convinced that they no longer have the support within their own party that they think they deserve because they are commander in chief. Biden’s dropping out does raise interesting questions about whether or not the voters’ will was reflected or if party leaders and donors were the one calling the shots. Both are true, but Republicans are sure to hammer the point that the liberal elites ignored everyday voters in an attempt to change the rules of the game once it became clear they couldn’t win fairly.”
