National Experts Available for Rare Disease Day: February 28, 2023

WASHINGTONFeb. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ —


February 28th marks Rare Disease Day – a day designated to driving awareness and change for the more than 25 million Americans and 300 million people worldwide living and struggling with a rare disease. Subject matter experts from the National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD), America’s longest-standing rare disease patient advocacy organization are available to weigh-in on this important public health matter.



– 40 years of progress with the Orphan Drug Act, patient advocacy, policy and advancing care and research

– NORD® Rare Disease Centers of Excellence: the first national network of medical institutions and hospitals dedicated to diagnosingtreating and researching all rare diseases, AND training the next generation of rare disease clinicians and scientists. 

– Building a team science model to address colossal gaps in rare disease patient care and R&D 

– How NORD is solving rare disease – breaking down barriers to care and drug development

– Training the next generation of rare disease specialists – including medical geneticists