Election Integrity: Rutgers Expert Available to Discuss

John J. Farmer, Jr., director of Rutgers University’s Eagleton Institute of Politics and former attorney general for New Jersey, is available to comment on the election integrity of the 2020 presidential election.

For interviews, contact Gabriella Morrone at or 732-570-2163.


“Concern over the bitterness of this year’s contest is understandable, and will no doubt rise as the results lag and litigation explodes,” Farmer wrote in The Star-Ledger.  “It should be balanced, however, by the knowledge that there are literally thousands of good Americans working tirelessly to make sure that the electoral preferences of their fellow citizens are honored.”

“The public servants who are trusted with ensuring that our election is free and fair will do their jobs. There is simply no reason to believe otherwise. Although their presence is largely ignored in the alarm over the election, they – not the armies of partisan attorneys, or the armed militias, or even the National Guard – are our strongest bulwark against the abuses each party fears from the other.”

Farmer is an expert in American politics, redistricting, law, national security and community protection for vulnerable populations. Farmer is a university professor of law and also serves as the director of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers-New Brunswick and Rutgers’ Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience.