Early-Career Editors join the board of Molecular Biology of the Cell journal

The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) is proud to announce the selection of 24 Early-Career Editors to join the board of Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC), the Society’s basic research science journal. This new group of pre-tenure faculty and postdocs will be responsible for highlighting preprints posted on bioRxiv. Their contributions will alert MBoC readers to the latest research, provide readily digestible summaries for preprint readers, and add visibility for authors.

MBoC’s Early-Career Editors will apply Significance Statements and Badges to summarize and convey important aspects of selected preprints, which will be published in MBoC and displayed with the preprint on bioRxiv. Supported by a Learned Society Curation Award from the Wellcome Trust and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, ASCB is developing these curation tools for preprints and for MBoC articles. Significance statements will highlight key findings and advances, and badges will highlight specific aspects of the work such as advancing a new concept or methodology, providing open datasets, or having instructional value.

“This new group of editors is a valuable addition to MBoC and ASCB’s community,” says MBoC Editor-in-Chief Matt Welch. “Early-Career Editors will also receive training and mentorship from senior MBoC editors to support their growth as they continue to rise as future leaders in their research communities.”

The Early-Career Editors will serve in this volunteer role for one to two years, and we will have a recurring application cycle to recruit additional members each year. As this is the initial pilot phase of an evolving project, we look forward to the future of this group and its activities.


Introducing the 2021 MBoC Early-Career Editors

Kristina Aguilera

University of California, Los Angeles


Cancer therapeutics

Alexandre Bisson

Brandeis University


Cell biology of Archaea

Luis Bonet-Ponce

National Institutes of Health, NIA


Lysosomal biology, Parkinson’s disease, Membrane trafficking, Neurodegeneration

Michael Burton

University of Texas at Dallas


Neuroscience, Immunology, Cell biology

Sabrya Carim

University of Montréal


Cytokinesis, Cell division

Fadie Coleman

Boston University School of Medicine


Cellular immunology, Microbial pathogenesis

Jacqueline De Lora

Max Planck Institute for Medical Research


Synthetic biology, Organoid Biology, Bioengineering, Biomaterials, Optogenetics

Samuel Dean

University of Warwick


Trypanosomes, Parasite, Cell biology, Flagellum, Ciliopathy, Molecular genetic tools

Gautam Dey

European Molecular Biology Laboratory


Evolutionary cell biology, Microbiology, Cell division, Nuclear architecture and remodeling

Omaya Dudin

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


Cell biology, Evolutionary cell biology, Microbiology

Seham Ebrahim

National Institutes of Health, NCI


Cytoskeleton, Cell biology, Intravital microscopy, Electron microscopy

Jacob Herman

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 


Chromosome segregation, CRISPR technologies, Cancer biology 

Jennifer Landino

University of Michigan 


Cytokinesis, Cytoskeleton, Live imaging 

Keren Lasker

Scripps Research


Microbiology, Biomolecular condensates, Integrative modeling

Dasfne Lee-Liu

University of Chile


Aging, Brain metabolism, Neuron-astrocyte interaction, Transomics

Grace Lim

Agency for Science, Technology and Research


Developmental biology, Stem cells

Adriana Mantegazza

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia


Dendritic cells, Phagocytosis, Trafficking, Autophagy, Inflammasomes

Rashmi Priya

The Francis Crick Institute 


Morphogenesis, Mechanics, Organogenesis, Heart development

Daniel Rios

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Cell and developmental biology

Lindsey Seldin

Vanderbilt University 


Epithelial stem cells, Plasticity, Microenvironment

Viji Subramanian

Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Tirupati


Chromosome structure and organization, Genome stability, Meiosis

Daisuke Takao

University of Tokyo 


Cell biology, Imaging, Biophysics, Data science

Assaf Zaritsky

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 


Computational cell dynamics, Quantitative microscopy

Huaiying Zhang

Carnegie Mellon University 


Phase separation/Biomolecular condensates