5 Easy Meatless Monday Travel Tips for the Holiday Season

The holidays can be stressful, but keeping up with a Meatless Monday routine while traveling is not. Thanks to smart phones, dining apps, and some simple planning, you’ll be rewarded with terrific meals, tasty new flavors, and memorable experiences to share with friends and family.

Tip 1: There’s an App for That!

Happy Cow and Vanilla Bean are two great apps that can help you find meatless meals all around the world. Use these apps to locate nearby restaurants and grocery stores with plant-based options, with referrals by other plant-based travelers, just like you.

Tip 2: Reserve a Meatless Meal for the Flight

Don’t get stuck on a cross-country flight eating potato chips and peanuts. Most airlines offer ‘special meals’ including vegetarian, vegan, and dairy-free options that can be requested before your travel date. Give them at least 24 hours notice.

Tip 3: Dining Options at the Hotel

If you’re staying at a hotel, visit their website or call the concierge before you depart, to ensure there are meatless options available.

Tip 4: Explore the Local Meatless Cuisines

Embrace the local culture and cuisine with meatless culinary experiences. Research local delicacies and try unique plant-based foods, dishes, and specialties that you’ve never heard of. You never know when you’ll be making a Meatless Monday memory.

Tip 5: When You’re Back Home for the Holidays

Treat your family and friends to tasty, festive plant-based treats. Check out a variety of recipes at the Meatless Monday website. Happy and healthy travels from the Meatless Monday team!

Use #MeatlessMonday to tag us when you share your fabulous Meatless Monday meals on the go! We’re on FacebookTwitterPinterest, or Instagram!