Before the Nazis could develop nuclear technology, Allied forces captured the uranium cubes central to Germany’s research. The fate of most is unknown, but a few are thought to be in the U.S. Scientists developing methods to confirm the cubes’ provenance will present their results at ACS Fall 2021.
Historian offers first deep dive into secret German-Soviet alliance that laid groundwork for WWII
In new research, Ian Johnson, the P. J. Moran Family Assistant Professor of Military History at the University of Notre Dame, details the inner workings of the German-Soviet alliance that laid the foundation for Germany’s rise and ultimate downfall in World War II.
Mandatory social distancing likely America’s required defense against COVID-19, expert says
A Virginia Tech historian who studies World War II says America once again requires that kind of bold effort if we’re to best mitigate the effects the novel coronavirus’ spread. “The lesson of that costly war is that government officials…