ACSM Annual Meeting Research Highlights for June 3

ACSM’s comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science conference takes place virtually from June 1 to 5 with programming covering the science, practice, public health and policy aspects of sports medicine, exercise science and physical activity.

Retirement Modifies Daily Physical Activity

Retirement changes daily routines. Time previously used for work and commuting is replaced by leisure time. In this study, more than 500 employees from Finland wore motion sensors before and after retirement. The results show that women’s physical activity decreased,…

Is L-citrulline Supplementation Combined with Exercise Training an Effective Strategy to Improve Vascular and Muscular Function in Older Adults?

Aging is associated with increased risk of high blood pressure, an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and loss of muscle fitness (i.e., mass, strength and exercise capacity). Endothelial cells lining the wall of blood vessels maintain normal blood pressure…

Strong and Fit Older Adults Have Younger, Less Stiff Arteries

Large arteries like the aorta are flexible tubes that should easily stretch to accommodate blood flow. They tend to get less flexible with age and chronic medical conditions, a process called arterial stiffening that strongly predicts future cardiovascular disease like…

What Is the Best Type of Exercise Training to Improve Artery Health in Older Adults?

Inactive older adults are at greater risk of having stiff arteries and high blood pressure. Although regular exercise can help reduce these poor health outcomes, what type of exercise is best? Researchers from Nova Scotia, Canada compared how six weeks…

Increasing Muscle Size and Strength, Exergames and Older Adults and Treadmills and Cancer Care from Medicine & Science in Sports & Science

If you’re looking for health and fitness story ideas, view these research highlights from ACSM’s flagship research journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®.