As French authorities face widespread reports of a bedbug infestation in Paris, Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, a Cornell University entomologist whose work focuses on reducing pest risks, provides some tips of what to look for and how to salvage exposed belongings. Kaufmann says: “Remember,…
Tag: Hotel
MSU expert: Travel tips for summer – and beyond
Michael McCall, Hilton Hotels Fellow in the top-ranked School of Hospitality Business at Michigan State University, discusses how the travel industry has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic and shares tips for an enjoyable travel experience.
Quick MBA for SMEs – Chula’s Intensive and Practical Training for Business Survival during the COVID-19 Crisis
The recently-concluded and successful “Quick MBA for SMEs” social project from Chula that brought knowledge to the living room of four groups of SMEs entrepreneurs: food businesses, hotels & accommodation, health, and fashion, to help them adapt and survive the COVID-19 crisis. Watch past episodes to revive and empower your business today.
Pandemic Recovery Trends in Hotel Service
Maryland Smith service expert Roland Rust explains why guests should prepare for room rate and fee increases and more service automation as hotels grapple with a labor shortage.
Thanksgiving travel and hotel safety tips during the COVID-19 pandemic
It’s always a good idea to consider cleanliness and safety when traveling, especially around the holidays. But with COVID-19 cases spiking across the country, these concerns should be top of mind for anyone going anywhere for Thanksgiving. Sheryl Kline, professor…