Unlocking the potential of electrochemical nitrate reduction: a new catalyst approach

In a major step toward sustainable chemistry, scientists have uncovered a new way to significantly boost the electrochemical reduction of nitrate to ammonia through the in-situ evolution of electrocatalysts. This breakthrough provides a cleaner alternative to the traditional ammonia synthesis process and a solution to the critical issue of nitrate pollution in water systems.

Applications Open for Graduate Programs in Chemistry and Green Chemistry & Sustainability (Semester 2/2023)

The Master and Doctoral Degrees Programs in Chemistry and Green Chemistry & Sustainability, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University are now accepting applications for the second semester of academic year 2023.

Call for Papers and Participants: The 16th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Science 2023 (EuAsC2S–16) – Frontiers in Chemical Sciences for Sustainability

The Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, together with the Chemical Society of Thailand will co-organize “the 16th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Science 2023 (EuAsC2S–16)” under the theme “Frontiers in Chemical Sciences for Sustainability”, from December 13-15, 2023 at the Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, Bangkok.

Chula Virtual Open House for 2023 International Graduate Programs

Join us at our Virtual Open House 2023 to learn more about our international graduate programs (Master’s and Doctoral Programs), the admissions process, and the benefits of studying at Chula.

Making cleaner, greener plastics from waste fish parts

Derived from crude oil, toxic to synthesize, and slow to degrade, polyurethanes are not environmentally friendly. Today, researchers discuss a safer, biodegradable alternative derived from fish waste that would otherwise likely be discarded. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.