“Dust Mites Repellent Herbal Spray” and “Pet Fragrance Spray from Mangosteen Peel Extract” – Two Nano Innovations from CUVET

Researchers of the Biochemistry Unit, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University (CUVET) have developed “Dust Mites Repellent Herbal Spray” and “Pet Fragrance Spray from Mangosteen Peel Extract” by applying nanotechnology to pet products to enhance their potency. Certifiably safe, both products are now available through a CUVET startup company.

The Surprising History of Christmas Traditions

Did you know yuletide caroling began 1,000 years before Christmas existed? Or how about the fact that mistletoe was hung from doorways to ward off evil spirits? And before there was eggnog, the medieval English drank wassail made from mulled ale and roasted apples.
Maria Kennedy, an instructor of folklore at Rutgers University–New Brunswick’s Department of American Studies in the School of Arts and Sciences, has researched the European holiday traditions that predate – and became an inseparable part of – Christmas.