Atlantic Health System Cancer Care, in partnership with OncLive, invites health care professionals and others interested in the surgical management of melanoma to a virtual lecture by internationally known melanoma expert Charles M. Balch, MD, FACS, FASCO. Dr. Balch is this year’s Joseph Calello Melanoma Scholar. The free lecture and Q & A will be held on May 6, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET.
Tag: Carol G. Simon Cancer Center

Accelerating Access to Breakthrough Cancer Therapies Leads Morristown Medical Center to Expand Infusion Center
Atlantic Health System has announced the opening of Morristown Medical Center’s new state-of-the-art, patient-centered Infusion Center located in the Carol G. Simon Cancer Center. The first of three phases of expansion of New Jersey’s pre-eminent cancer center, the new unit was funded in large part by donations made by community members in support of the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center’s Growing Forward Campaign.