Application of photovoltaics on different types of land in China: Opportunities, status and challenges

Abstract Addressing pressing issues such as global climate change, dwindling fossil fuel reserves, and energy structure transitions, there is a global consensus on harnessing photovoltaic (PV) technology. As PV projects burgeon, they intensify the demand for land resources. Given land’s scarcity, its efficient…

A comprehensive review and sensitivity analysis of the factors affecting the performance of buildings equipped with Variable Refrigerant Flow system in Middle East climates

Abstract Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems are becoming increasingly popular in commercial and residential buildings due to their flexibility and efficiency. Building design and operational parameters play an important role in the process of predicting cooling loads, and these variables…

Exergoeconomic assessment of a high-efficiency compressed air energy storage system

Abstract Energy storage systems have a critical part in enabling greater use of intermittent energy resources. For a sustainable energy supply mix, compressed air energy storage systems offer several advantages through the integration of practical and flexible types of equipment…

Multi-criteria decision-making for techno-economic and environmentally sustainable decentralized hybrid power and green hydrogen cogeneration system

Abstract For global sustainable development, supplying reliable, clean and affordable energy to all is critical. Also to achieve the stringent carbon emission reduction target, the global energy transition is towards increasing the renewable share of total power generation. As renewable resources are intermittent,…

HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Sir John B. Pendry Receives the 2024 Kyoto Prize

The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) is pleased to share that Professor Sir John Pendry, our HKIAS Senior Fellow and Professor of Theoretical Solid State Physics at Imperial College London, has been awarded the 2024 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology for his contribution to the Theoretical Construction of Metamaterials in Materials Science.

Laying the Foundation for Lunar Base Construction; Elucidating Lunar Soil-Microwave Interactions

The research team led by Dr. Hyu-Soung, Shin at the Future & Smart Construction Research Division of the KICT is currently conducting a study on microwave-sintered lunar regolith simulant bricks. This research applies sintering techniques similar to firing ceramics, raising the temperature to create solid bricks.

Laying the Foundation for Lunar Base Construction; Elucidating Lunar Soil-Microwave Interactions

The research team led by Dr. Hyu-Soung, Shin at the Future & Smart Construction Research Division of the KICT is currently conducting a study on microwave-sintered lunar regolith simulant bricks. This research applies sintering techniques similar to firing ceramics, raising the temperature to create solid bricks.

Nueva plataforma de investigación evalúa mutaciones del cáncer cerebral durante la cirugía

Tratar un cáncer cerebral se vuelve complicado cuando comienza a crecer, y un tipo frecuente, conocido como glioma, tiene una baja tasa de supervivencia a cinco años. En un nuevo estudio publicado por Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigadores de Mayo Clinic informan sobre una nueva plataforma quirúrgica utilizada durante las cirugías que proporciona información importante para la toma de decisiones sobre el tratamiento del tumor en cuestión de minutos.

Nova plataforma de pesquisa avalia mutações do câncer cerebral durante cirurgia

Tratar um câncer cerebral se torna complicado quando ele começa a crescer, e um tipo prevalente, conhecido como glioma, apresenta uma baixa taxa de sobrevivência de cinco anos. Em um novo estudo publicado pela Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic informam sobre uma nova plataforma cirúrgica utilizada durante as cirurgias que fornece informações importantes para a tomada de decisão sobre o tratamento do tumor em questão de minutos.

American diets have a long way to go to achieve health equity

Poor diet continues to take a toll on American adults. In a study from the Food is Medicine Institute at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University published today in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers found that diet quality among U.S. adults improved modestly between 1999 and 2020. However, they also found that the number of Americans with poor diet quality remains stubbornly high. Most notably, disparities persist and, in some cases, are worsening.

New technology allows researchers to precisely, flexibly modulate brain

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have developed a noninvasive technology combining a holographic acoustic device with genetic engineering that allows them to precisely target affected neurons in the brain, creating the potential to precisely modulate selected cell types in multiple diseased brain regions.

Experts call for more clinical trials on alcohol use, liver disease

More clinical research is needed to investigate how reducing alcohol consumption in patients with alcohol-related liver disease (ALD) may slow disease progression and improve outcomes, according to an international task force of experts from more than two dozen institutions including UT Southwestern Medical Center.

NYU Tandon researchers selected for National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Pilot to enhance AI vision models

An NYU Tandon School of Engineering project is one of the first 35 initiatives selected for the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot by the U.S. National Science Foundation and Department of Energy, a result of President Biden’s Executive Order on the Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of AI.

UAlbany State Weather Risk Communication Center Director Available to Discuss Extreme Heat

ALBANY, N.Y. (June 17, 2024) — An intense heat wave is bringing record-breaking temperatures to the eastern United States this week, including the Capital Region. Today, temperatures in the Albany area are expected to reach close to 90 degrees, with…

Researchers studying challenges female and minority entrepreneurs face in rural areas

The research, led by Heather Stephens, professor of resource economics and management and director of the West Virginia University Regional Research Institute, aims to identify what factors could support entrepreneurship for women and minorities, as well as barriers that deter them from starting their own businesses.

Unlocking the mystery behind the performance decline in a promising cathode material

Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory have discovered the main reason why and how one of the more promising new cathode materials degrades with repeated cycling of lithium-ion batteries. The team’s new analysis method was key to the discovery.

The Untold Story of “Reading Rainbow”

“Reading Rainbow” was one of the most successful PBS children’s series in television history, earning numerous national and international awards, including 26 Emmys and a Peabody Award. But perhaps more important, “Reading Rainbow” helped generations of children cultivate a love for books.

Now, a new book co-authored by Canisius Professor Barbara Irwin, PhD, chronicles the humble beginnings of the TV series, which launched in Buffalo, NY – and how the groundbreaking program came to capture the attention of 6.5 million young viewers.

Observatorio Gemini y Subaru unen fuerzas para descubrir la primera pareja de cuásares en el principio del Universo

Un equipo de astrónomos descubrió una pareja de cuásares en fusión que bate todos los récords, ya que no sólo se trata de la más distante detectada hasta ahora, sino también del único par de este tipo que se encuentra en una de las épocas más tempranas del Universo. El hallazgo fue posible con la ayuda del poderoso instrumento GNIRS que se encuentra instalado en el telescopio de Gemini Norte, la mitad boreal del Observatorio Internacional Gemini, financiado en parte por la Fundación Nacional de Ciencias de Estados Unidos y operado por NOIRLab de NSF.

International Gemini Observatory and Subaru Combine Forces to Discover First Ever Pair of Merging Quasars at Cosmic Dawn

With the help of the powerful GNIRS instrument on the Gemini North telescope, one half of the International Gemini Observatory, supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation and operated by NSF NOIRLab, a team of astronomers have discovered a double-record-breaking pair of quasars.

AI Recognizes Athletes’ Emotions

Using computer-assisted neural networks, Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Duisburg-Essen have been able to accurately identify affective states from the body language of tennis players during games. For the first time, they trained a model based on artificial intelligence (AI) with data from actual games.

Jury Awards $122M in Advertising Patent Case Following Testimony of Quandary Peak Experts

A week-long patent trial in Waco, Texas, concluded on Friday with a jury verdict against Amazon and an award of $122 million in damages. Two software experts affiliated with Quandary Peak Research, Dr. Eric Koskinen and Jason Frankovitz, testified during the trial. Koskinen and Frankovitz were retained on behalf of the plaintiff, an advertising technology company.